Sunday, January 31, 2010

My firsts day in Ireland

So on Friday kylen and I are very tired but we decided to try to beat jet lag by staying up as long as we can. So we go into the Center of Dublin where everything is. It is a 15 minute bus ride and it is quite easy to figure out. Then we just wander around the downtown and look at stuff and take it all in. We find a great place to eat in a Irish pub/restaurant and I order a beef and vegetable stew of some sort and a pint of Guinness. It is truly and Irish meal. Around like 630 we decide we are super tired so we better figure out the bus home and try and make it. We make it back to campus just find a spend the night watching a movie and pretty much falling asleep early. Saturday is our first official day so we definitely want to experience downtown more completely. So we leave at about 12 on the bus and walk all over for about eight hours seeing everything we can. It is amazing and a great way to get our bearings on the city which is very beautiful and is a very unique city. On sat. afternoon we are kinda tired of walking and so we decided to go to an Irish pub and watch a Liverpool soccer game which was a whole new and great experience. After the game we walk around some more until about 830 or so and then we don't know what else to do but head home again. But it was a very fun and long day. I am very tired from walking all over the city so I just crash when I get home. Sunday we only planed really to find the grocery store to get some food an then hang out and look around campus so more and that is what we have done. I got quite a bit of food for a low cost because kylen and I are deal shopper and look for good prices (thanks mom). Overall the first few days have been great.

1 comment:

  1. love liverpool... sounds real bro enjoy yourself
    take it easy

